
Oaklands’ Comedy Special with Steve Shappelle!

Laughter really is the best medicine, and there was a plentiful supply as Oaklands House Care Centre welcomed back comedian and singer Steve Shappelle.

With his Hi-di-Hi! humour, reminiscent of the 1980s, he had his audience wiping tears from their eyes with his cheeky jokes and hilarious anecdotes, interacting with each and every attendee.

Alongside his frivolous wit, Steve brought his powerful showman’s voice into play, performing old-fashioned favourites such as “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” and “Bring Me Sunshine,” encouraging all to sing along.

Laughter releases the body’s feel-good chemicals and copious amounts were liberated during this light-hearted and uplifting show.

Oaklands looks forward to more captivating fun when Steve returns to perform for us in October.

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