
Celebrating Nurses 2024

Florence Nightingale, born on 12 May 1820, is celebrated as the founder of modern nursing. In her honour, we at Kings Lodge held a special thank you afternoon to celebrate our 10 dedicated nurses who work tirelessly to ensure our residents stay healthy, happy, and well looked after.

Residents joined in the preparations by creating a “thank you for everything you do” banner and making thank you cards. Our nurses were greeted by Florence Nightingale “nurses” from the past and guided by lantern light to the lounge, where residents and the rest of the nursing team awaited.

The afternoon was filled with fun activities, including games and the recitation of the Nightingale Pledge. The event concluded with the Nurses’ Prayer to keep their spirits strong and their commitment unwavering. Each nurse received a “nurses survival kit” as a token of appreciation from everyone at Kings Lodge.

The celebration also featured a wonderful performance by Karen, who sang well-known tunes. The residents enjoyed themselves immensely, singing along, clapping, tapping their feet, and even dancing. It was a fantastic afternoon full of surprises, appreciation, fun, and laughter.

We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to our incredible nurses for everything they do. Your hard work and caring spirit make all the difference. Keep shining, even when the road feels tough.

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