
Dignity in Care

 Dignity In Care -How  the right support change a life.

Understanding an individual’s circumstances and providing the appropriate support, really can be life changing.

When a gentleman recently moved into The Boynes In Worcestershire the staff were led to believe that caring for this individual might be quite a challenge.  How wrong they were!

 When Bruce, recently widowed and living with dementia moved into his new home it was with much reluctance. He was unhappy, unsettled and very obviously wanted to be with his wife and at home.

The manager, staff, Bruce’s family and Bruce himself held a meeting to create a person-centred care plan that truly reflected the wants, wishes and needs that Bruce had.

Whilst the magic didn’t happen in a day, gradually Bruce settled and started to live a full life again.

Bruce who had always been an active man, wanted to be kept busy and shared that he liked fixing things. So meaningful activity participation was a high priority to meet Bruce’s Wellbeing needs. Now visitors to The Boynes may be forgiven for thinking Bruce is a staff member rather than a resident! The contribution Bruce has made to the home is tremendous, from painting and fixing items in the garden to improving life for the other residents. Bruce now has his own plot in the garden and likes to be outside rain or shine. Time spent outdoors working hard has encouraged other residents of the home to pop out and might be seen sharing a cup of tea with Bruce on one of his tea breaks and sometimes after a day’s hard work Bruce might relax with something a little stronger. We say, “well deserved Bruce and thank you for all you do for us and The Boynes”.

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