
Postcards of Kindness

How a simple postcard can bring a moment of joy to people across the country.

Our home has recently embraced the Postcards of Kindness initiative. Postcards of Kindness is an initiative that asks people to write and send postcards to residents of care homes. And while it’s a small gesture, the resulting deliveries bring a great deal of joy and spark lively conversations among the older people who receive them.

Wendy Fricker, activity coordinator, read about the initiative and knew immediately this was sure to bring moments of joy to the residents of Acacia Lodge.

Wendy said, “I registered Acacia Lodge with the group in July 2019 and have made 360 cards so far with our residents and mailed out over 240, and still counting.”

The group can be found via Facebook, “postcards of kindness-the group”

Because of the initiative the home has formed a wonderful link with a college in West Sussex, four students write regularly to the care home residents.  Postcards have been received from as far away as Canada, Egypt, New York, China and Spain.

The residents have loved not only seeing the lovely images, but the messages have been amazing conversation starters.

Wendy decided to extend the idea to sending remembrance messages from the home to addresses in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. The handmade cards and messages provided an opportunity to reminisce and to show respect on Remembrance Day.

Acacia Lodge Residents selected addresses to send them too, which were usually of special significance to everyone. Wendy said “it has been fantastic seeing the residents so engaged with this activity, they have been chatting, laughing and breaking out with the occasional song! One resident said, “it is lovely getting postcards, it brings back many happy memories for me.”

Home manager Thelma Clutson said “ Wendy is always exploring new ideas to ensure residents at Acacia Lodge have a full life, I am very proud of the team and I love seeing how little gestures can have such a big impact on the lives of others!”




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