Oakland Residents guests at Wildern School

Our local school very kindly invited us to take some of our residents to meet the pupils and have Christmas dinner with them. 

Six of our residents and 5 staff started off the visit with the school choir singing Christmas carols to us.  The choir were amazing with some definite stars in the making. 

Our residents and staff sat intermingled with year 7 pupils (ages 11-12), who were very chatty, asking questions and entertaining us. 

We were served a lovely Christmas dinner by the year 10 students (ages 14-15) and a choice of refreshments. 

Crackers were pulled and jokes were told and when everyone had finished eating the choir sang some more carols and encouraged us all to join in.

Everyone had a lovely time and we feel we have forged a new relationship with this very special part of our community.  We have already been invited to their summer afternoon cream tea and are hopeful we can get some of the pupils to join us at Oaklands to meet more of our residents for various activities. 

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