Sensory Garden at Steep House

The past few days at Steep House Nursing Home have been busy as we planted herbs for our sensory garden in the sunshine. Aromatic plants like lavender and mint now enrich our garden, offering a sensory feast for residents to enjoy.

In this serene setting, our new Namaste sessions provide relaxation with gentle stretches and calming music, helping residents unwind and find peace. For those who love a bit of action, basketball has become a favourite. Residents, including the laid-back Eric, enjoy shooting hoops, adding fun and laughter to our days.

Exercise sessions, though not everyone’s favourite, are crucial for keeping us active. Held in the garden, they ensure our bodies stay fit and our muscles get a good workout.

Our sensory garden is more than just a green space; it’s a vibrant part of our community life, fostering joy, relaxation, and health for all at Steep House.

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